Privacy Policy Last updated: 24/02/2024

At Nexus AI Bot, safeguarding your Personal Data and privacy is our top priority.

This Privacy Policy is designed to explain how your information is handled, stored, and utilized when you interact with the website (hereafter referred to as the “Website”).

We are dedicated to adhering to the following principles:

•To be transparent regarding the collection and processing of your Personal Data:

We are committed to keeping you thoroughly informed so that you can make decisions about the use of your Personal Data on our Website or when engaging with third-party trading platforms. We utilize various strategies and methods to provide you with essential information on how your Personal Data is handled, ensuring accuracy and timeliness.

Furthermore, should there be a necessity to provide you with specific information, we will ensure it is given to you at an appropriate time and manner.

We are also eager to address any inquiries you might have and to offer any needed clarifications, within the bounds of legal constraints. To contact us, please send an email to: support@

•To use Personal Data about you strictly for the purposes described in this Policy:

The reasons for processing your Personal Data may include, among others, to ensure that the Website is accessible to you andfacilitate your access to third-party trading platforms (the “Services”), to enrich the user experience on the Website, to enhance the Services (including the Website), to safeguard our rights and interests, to conduct business and administrative tasks that support the delivery of the Services to the users of the Website, and/or to comply with any legal and/or regulatory obligations.

Moreover, we will process Personal Data concerning you to comprehend your individual needs and preferences.

• To dedicate substantial resources to honor your rights regarding Personal Data concerning you:

We commit substantial resources to enable you to exercise your rights as a data subject. Thus, you may contact us whenever you desire to review Personal Data concerning you, request modifications, request its deletion, restrict its use for certain purposes or altogether, or have it transferred to you or a third party. We will accommodate your requests in compliance with applicable laws.

•To protect Personal Data concerning you:

Although we cannot guarantee absolute security for Personal Data concerning you, we assure you that we employ and will continue to employ a comprehensive range of strategies and safeguards to protect your Personal Data.

Our Complete Privacy Policy

1. The Scope?

This Policy outlines the types of Personal Data Nexus AI Bot collects about individuals, and details how we collect, utilize, share with third parties, secure, and process it.

In this Policy, “Personal Data” pertains to any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be recognized, directly or indirectly, with additional information that we possess or have access to.

In this Policy, the “processing” of Personal Data entails any operation or set of operations performed on Personal Data, including the collection, recording, organization, structuring,

Storage, adaptation, modification, retrieval, consultation, utilization, dissemination by transmission, sharing or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, limitation, deletion, or obliteration of Personal Data.

Nexus AI Bot is designed for a general audience and is not targeted towards children under 18 years old. We do not intentionally gather or request information from anyone under 18, nor do we knowingly permit such individuals to use our Services. Should we discover that we have inadvertently collected information from a child, we will promptly take steps to remove that information.

2. When Do We Collect Personal Data About You?

We acquire Personal Data about you when you engage with our Services, interact with our service channels, or visit our Website. Sometimes, you will directly provide us with Personal Data, while at other times, we will obtain Personal Data about you by observing your interactions with our Services or through our service channels, or we might receive your data from our third-party partners.

3. No Obligation To Provide Personal Data To The Company And Its Implications

You are not required to furnish us with any Personal Data. Nevertheless, failing to provide such data may inhibit our ability to deliver the Services to you, restrict your ability to use the Website, and/or result in the malfunctioning of both the Services and the Website.

4. What types of Personal Data do We collect? Personal Data We collect each time you browse the Website:

This information encompasses online activity logs, traffic data (including, but not limited to, IP addresses, times of access, dates of access, web and mobile pages visited, languages utilized, software crash reports, and types of browsers used), and information regarding the devices you use. Some of this information may not personally identify you and thus may not be considered Personal Data.

Personal Data We receive from you: any Personal Data you voluntarily provide when you engage with a third-party trading platform through Nexus AI Bot.

Personal Information You Deliberately Provide for Transmission to Third-Party Platforms for Trading Purposes: This data encompasses your complete name, telephone number, and email address.

5. Objectives for Processing Personal Data and Their Legal Foundations

Nexus AI Bot processes your Personal Data for various objectives as detailed in this segment, adhering to the appropriate legal justifications.

Nexus AI Bot will not handle Personal Data concerning you unless there is a justified legal basis for such processing. The legal grounds on which Nexus AI Bot may handle Personal Data concerning you include:

  • Your explicit consent to the processing of your Personal Data for one or more distinct purposes. This is relevant in instances where you voluntarily submit your details via the Website, enabling us to forward them to third-party trading platforms.
  • Processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interests of Nexus AI Bot or a third party. For instance, to enhance Our Services, or for the assertion or defense of legal claims.
  • Processing is essential for compliance with a legal obligation to which Nexus AI Bot is subject.

Should you seek further information on how your Personal Data's processing corresponds with the legitimate interests of Nexus AI Bot or an external entity, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at any time.

Hereinafter, we provide an overview of the purposes for which we might process your Personal Data, together with the legal bases for these actions:

Objective Legal Foundation

To transmit your information to third parties at your request for digital and trading initiatives

We may gather Personal Data about you to forward it to third parties, provided you explicitly ask us to do so.

Your consent has been obtained for the processing of your Personal Data for one or more specified purposes.

To address your inquiries, requests, and/or complaints

Processing your Personal Data is essential in order to address any questions you might have regarding your use of the Services.

The processing is necessary to fulfill the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

To fulfill legal and regulatory duties or judicial or administrative directives

We handle Personal Data about you to adhere to Nexus AI Bot's legal responsibilities.

Processing is essential for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Company is subject.

To enhance the quality of Our Services

We utilize Personal Data about you to enhance the functionality of Our Services. This includes the use of any crash logs or other reports of malfunctions related to the Services.

Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by a third party.

To deter fraud and prevent misuse of Our Services

Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by a third party.

To execute and sustain various activities supporting the delivery of Our Services

These activities encompass administrative tasks, business growth efforts, strategic planning, and supervisory processes, among others.

Processing is necessary for the interests that are legitimately pursued by the Company or by a third party.

To conduct analytical assessments, including statistical analysis

We employ a variety of analytical tools (including statistical methods) to make informed decisions on various matters.

Processing is necessary for the interests that are legitimately pursued by the Company or by a third party.

To safeguard the interests, rights, and properties of Nexus AI Bot and third parties, including the initiation, pursuit, or defense of legal claims

We may process Personal Data concerning you to protect the interests, rights, and properties of Nexus AI Bot or those of third parties, in accordance with any applicable law, regulation, or agreement, including Nexus AI Bot's terms and conditions and policies.

Processing is necessary for the interests that are legitimately pursued by the Company or by a third party.

6. Transfer Of Personal Data To Third Parties

Nexus AI Bot may share your Personal Data with external service providers, including those who offer storage, hosting, user experience analytics, and various technical and diagnostic services.

Furthermore, should you request, Nexus AI Bot can transfer specific Personal Data to third-party trading platforms. In these instances, we will only share the Personal Data you provide for this purpose. The treatment of your Personal Data by these third parties will be governed by their respective privacy policies. We might transfer your Personal Data to various third-party trading platforms as needed.

Nexus AI Bot might also disclose your Personal Data to its affiliates and business partners, which supply resources that help Nexus AI Bot enhance and elevate the services and products offered to you.

Nexus AI Bot may disclose your Personal Data to governmental and regulatory bodies if such sharing is necessary to safeguard the interests, rights, and properties of Nexus AI Bot and others, or in the pursuit, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Additionally, Nexus AI Bot might share your Personal Data with potential buyers, investors, or lenders to the company and/or any entity within its corporate group, or during transactions like asset sales, mergers, reorganizations, consolidations, or bankruptcies involving Nexus AI Bot or any entity within its corporate group.

7. Cookies and Third Party Services

Nexus AI Bot may engage third-party services, including analytics providers and advertising agencies that operate on our Website, which may also utilize cookies or similar technologies, governed by their specific policies.

Cookies, small text files placed on your device, enable the collection of data about your activities and preferences when you visit or use the Website.

enhance your browsing experience, remember your settings and preferences, and tailor and present offerings that might capture your interest. Cookies are also employed to gather statistics and facilitate analytics.

The cookies we might utilize include session cookies, which are temporarily stored on your device and expire when you close your browser. In contrast, persistent cookies remain on your device after you stop browsing. These can assist Nexus AI Bot in recognizing you as a repeat visitor next time you visit.

Cookie Categories:

The cookies we use are sorted based on their function, as outlined below:

Type of Cookie Purpose Additional Information
Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential for enabling you to navigate the Website and access requested features. They facilitate the delivery of Nexus AI Bot's content, products, and services.

Such cookies are crucial for allowing your device to download or stream data, enabling you to move through the Website, use its functionalities, and revisit previously accessed pages.

These cookies gather Personal Data about you, like your username and the date of your last login, confirming your logged-in status on the Website.

These cookies are automatically removed once you close your web browser (session cookies).

Functionality Cookies These cookies enable Nexus AI Bot to recognize you upon your return to the Website and help us recall your preferences and settings. These cookies remain active even after you close your web browser, and they persist until they reach their specific expiration time.
Performance Cookies These cookies are employed to gather aggregated data regarding the performance of the Website and are instrumental in testing and enhancing performance to ensure an optimal user experience. They also support our analytical activities on the Website.

These cookies gather anonymized information that does not pertain to any identifiable individual.

The lifespan of these cookies varies; some are eliminated upon closing your browser, while others may not expire.

Blocking and removal of cookies

You have the option to modify your browser settings to block or delete some or all cookies. Below are links providing instructions on how to configure these settings in some of the most commonly used web browsers:

  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

Please be aware, however, that disabling this feature may cause some or all of the functionalities and features of the Nexus AI Bot website to not operate as expected.



8. Retention Of Personal Data About You

Nexus AI Bot will hold Personal Data concerning you for the duration necessary to achieve the objectives of processing such data as stated in this Policy, or for an extended period mandated by applicable laws, regulations, policies, and directives.

We will disclose your information to third-party trading platforms for a period of 12 months, with the possibility of extending this for another 12 months with your consent.

To ensure that Personal Data about you is not kept longer than necessary, we routinely assess the Personal Data we hold to determine if any data can be deleted.

9. Transfers of Personal Data To A Third Country Or An International Organization

Your Personal Data may be transferred to a third country (i.e., jurisdictions outside your country of residence) or to international organizations. Under these conditions, Nexus AI Bot commits to implementing appropriate safeguards to protect your Personal Data and to ensure that enforceable data subject rights and effective legal remedies are available.

If you reside in the EEA (European Economic Area), please be informed that these safeguards and protections will be in place if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The transfer occurs to a third country or international organization deemed by the EU Commission to have an adequate protection level for Personal Data as per Article 45(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, enacted by the European Parliament and the Council on 27 April 2016, commonly referred to as the "GDPR".
  • The transfer complies with a legally binding and enforceable instrument between public authorities or bodies as specified under Article 46(2)(a) of the GDPR; or
  • The transfer adheres to standard data protection clauses issued by the EU Commission according to Article 46(2)(c) of the GDPR. These clauses are accessible at

You may request Nexus AI Bot to provide you with details regarding the safeguards it applies to protect the Personal Data transferred to a third country or international organization, by emailing: support@

10. Protection Of Personal Data About You

Nexus AI Bot implements effective technical and organizational measures to maintain an appropriate level of security for your Personal Data, considering the potential risks involved in processing, especially those that could arise from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access to Personal Data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed.

Nexus AI Bot cannot assure error-free performance regarding the privacy of your Personal Data, and will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use or release of Personal Data including, but not limited to, its disclosure resulting from transmission errors, unauthorized access by third parties, or other events beyond our reasonable control.

Nexus AI Bot may be compelled, by legal or other obligations beyond our control, to disclose Personal Data about you to third parties,such as public authorities. In these situations, our ability to influence the level of protection your Personal Data receives from third parties is limited.

Any transmission of Personal Data over the internet cannot be completely secure. Consequently, Nexus AI Bot cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data when it is transmitted over the internet to us.

11. Links To Third-Party Websites

Nexus AI Bot's website may contain links to third-party websites and/or applications. We do not oversee these third-party sites and apps, nor do we manage how they collect and process your Personal Data. We are not liable for the privacy practices or the content of such third-party websites and applications. This Policy does not cover the actions performed through these third-party channels.

When visiting third-party websites and/or applications, we advise you to thoroughly review their privacy policies before engaging with them or sharing any of your Personal Data.

13. Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

You generally hold the right to request Nexus AI Bot to confirm whether your Personal Data is being processed by us, to access this data, to correct any inaccuracies, and to delete any Personal Data that is no longer necessary for us to retain. You may also limit your consent to specific uses of your Personal Information.

If you are an EEA resident, please pay attention to this section:

You are granted several rights concerning your Personal Data. To assert these rights, you may send a request to exercise your rights to the following email address:

Right of access

You have the right to obtain confirmation from Nexus AI Bot as to whether or not Personal Data concerning you is being processed, and, if that is the case, access to the Personal Data and the following

information includes: (1) the objectives of data handling; (2) the types of Personal Data involved; (3) the parties or types of parties to whom the Personal Data has been or will be revealed, especially those in third countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or international bodies; (4) where feasible, the anticipated duration for which the Personal Data will be retained, or if that is not possible, the criteria used to establish this duration; (5) the right to request that Nexus AI Bot correct or delete your Personal Data, or limit its processing, or to oppose such processing; (6) the right to file a grievance with a regulatory body; (7) if the Personal Data was not obtained directly from you, any information available regarding its origin; (8) the presence of any profiling activities; and (9) if Personal Data is transferred to a third country outside the EEA or to an international organization, the protective measures concerning the transfer.

Nexus AI Bot will provide a copy of the Personal Data being processed and may impose a nominal fee for any additional copies you request. Should you submit the request electronically and not specify otherwise, the information will be provided in a widely used electronic format.

The entitlement to acquire a copy of your Personal Data must not negatively impact the rights and freedoms of others. As such, if fulfilling your request would infringe on the rights and freedoms of other individuals, Nexus AI Bot may decline to comply with your request or may only fulfill it partially.

Right to rectification

You are entitled to have Nexus AI Bot correct any inaccurate Personal Data concerning you. Considering the purposes of the data processing, you also have the right to have incomplete Personal Data completed, possibly through the provision of an additional declaration.

Right to erasure

You may request erasure of your Personal Data on the following bases: (a) the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed; (b) you revoke your consent which formed the basis of the data processing and no other legal justification for the processing exists; (c) you object to the processing of your Personal Data, citing reasons related to your specific situation, which was previously justified by legitimate interests pursued by Nexus AI Bot or a third party, and there are no prevailing legitimate grounds for the processing; (d) you oppose the use of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes; (e) the Personal Data has been unlawfully processed.

Personal Data has been unlawfully processed; or (f) the Personal Data concerning you must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation under European Union or Member State law that applies to the Company.

This right does not apply when the processing is necessary (a) for adherence to a legal obligation that mandates processing by European Union or Member State law to which the Company is bound; or (b) for the formulation, exercise, or protection of legal claims.

Right of restriction of processing

You have the right to request that the Company restricts processing of Personal Data pertaining to you under certain conditions: (a) if you dispute the accuracy of the Personal Data, allowing time for the Company to verify its accuracy; (b) if the processing is unlawful and you reject the deletion of the Personal Data and instead request the limitation of its use; (c) if the Company no longer requires the Personal Data for processing purposes, but you need it for the formulation, exercise, or protection of legal claims; (d) if the processing is for the purpose of legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party, unless the Company shows compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, or for the formulation, exercise, or protection of legal claims; or (e) if the Personal Data is processed for direct marketing purposes, including profiling, as far as it is related to such direct marketing.

If the processing of Personal Data concerning you has been restricted based on your request, such Personal Data shall, except for storage, only be processed with your consent or for the formulation, exercise, or protection of legal claims, or for the safeguarding of the rights of another natural or legal person, or for significant public interest reasons of the European Union or of a Member State.

Right to Data Portability

You possess the right to receive your Personal Data, which you have provided to the Company, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. Additionally, you have the right to transmit that data to another entity, provided the processing is based on your consent or on a contract to which you are a party, and the processing is carried out by automated means.

When exercising your right to data portability, you can have your Personal Data transferred directly from Nexus AI Bot to another entity, provided it is technically feasible. This right does not compromise your and the company's rights concerning data deletion. Furthermore, utilizing this right should not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other individuals.

Right to Withdraw Consent

You can withdraw your consent, which permits us to process your Personal Data, at any time. This revocation will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdrew your consent.

Right to Object

You possess the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data at any time, especially if it pertains to your particular situation, and when the processing is based on the legitimate interests of Nexus AI Bot or a third party. This includes any profiling derived from these interests. Should you object, we will cease processing your Personal Data unless we can establish compelling legitimate reasons for the processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

You also have the right to contest the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes at any time, including any profiling related to such marketing.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

You are entitled to file a complaint with a supervisory authority appointed by a Member State to safeguard the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals concerning the processing of Personal Data within the European Union.

Your rights concerning Personal Data as detailed in this section 13 may be limited by European Union or Member State legislation to which Nexus AI Bot is subject.

We will furnish you with the information you request in accordance with your rights outlined in this section 13 promptly and, in any event, within one month of receiving the request. This period may be extended by an additional two months if necessary, considering the complexity and number of the requests. We will notify you of any such extension within one month of receiving your request, along with the reasons for the delay.

The information provided in response to your requests as outlined in this section 13 will be supplied free of charge, unless otherwise specified in this section 13. Where requests are manifestlyshould they be unfounded or excessively repetitive, Nexus AI Bot may either (a) impose a reasonable fee reflecting the administrative costs involved in providing the information or carrying out the requested action; or (b) decline to comply with the request.

Nexus AI Bot may request additional details necessary to verify your identity for the processing of your request as per the rights delineated in this section 13, especially if there are reasonable doubts about the identity of the individual initiating the request.

12. Changes To This Policy

Nexus AI Bot reserves the right to modify the terms of this Policy periodically. Any changes to this Policy will be communicated by updating the Policy on our Website. Furthermore, for significant changes, we will endeavor to notify you through the most effective means of communication deemed appropriate to ensure you are informed of such updates and will post a notification about these changes on the Website. Unless specified otherwise, all changes will take effect immediately upon their publication on our Website.